About me
Hello, welcome to my page! My name is Leon Ackermann and I am pursuing a Master’s in Computational Science at Università della Svizzera Italiana and Sorbonne Universitè as part of EUMaster4HPC scholarship with a focus on Machine Learning (ML) and High-Performance Computing (HPC). My Bachelor’s in Cognitive Science equipped me with a unique interdisciplinary perspective and led to publications at COLING and NeurIPS on the interpretability of LLMs. I am passionate about ameliorating and uniting my knowledge in ML and computational methods to understand and tackle data-driven scientific problems in my future research.
In my non academic time I go hiking as much as possible and enjoy exploring new places. Also I love learning languages, at the time I’m getting into Italian. Currently, I’m learning more about Stoicism and how to apply the philosophy to my daily life.